Current Environment:

Applying for a grant | Overview

Grant application procedure

  • At least 1 month prior to submission: BCH online cover sheet completed.  Contact your research administrator for assistance
  • At least 15 days prior to submission: Meet with the research administrator to complete a budget for the entire project period
  • At least 5 business days prior to official due date:  All proposal documents in final form submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). Boston Children's Hospital requires institutional approval of all applications regardless of sponsors' requirements.

OSP Guidance on Grant Submissions

More information on the grant application procedure 

Non-federal grant online cover sheet questions

Federal grant online cover sheet questions

Additional information and helpful links

Stipend versus salary

Most fellowships may refer to the amount to be paid towards a fellow’s salary as a stipend; however, generally the funds designated for the direct support of compensation to the fellow are paid as salary.  Check with your administrator about certain funding sources if you have questions about your particular fellowship.   More information on stipend vs salary link

Funding opportunities


NRSA stipend levels


NRSA stipend payment schedule

Applying for a grant | Contact Us